Will the German Constitutional Court restrict Björn Höcke's basic rights?
The Federal Constitutional Court is not asked to decide.
The Federal Constituional Court is asked but decides that Höcke does not forfeit any basic rights.
The Federal Constitutional Court declares that any of Höcke's basic rights are forfeit.
The german Basic Law has a provision for revoking certain basic rights if they are abused to combat the free democratic basic order (article 18). The forfeiture of these rights can only be declared by the highest german court, the Federal Constituional Court.
A campaign petitioning the german government and parliament to ask the Federal Constitutional Court to revoke some of AfD politician Björn Höcke's basic rights has recieved more than 1.6 million signatures. Will the Court be asked, and if it is, how will it decide?
Resolves when the court issues a decision, or at close date if the Court has not been asked. If the court has been asked but has not yet decided by the close date, it resolves when a decision is issued.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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